Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best of 2009!

Here are some of my favorites from 2009! It's been such a fun year.

In Defense of Food by: Michael Pollan

Movie: Hmmm. Defiance and Everybody's Fine. Those may be the only movies I saw this year though.

Trips: Well obviously, attending the Inauguration was pretty incredible. My first time to California was a blast thanks to the Herberts. Michigan for Emily's wedding was up there too. Seeing The Counting Crows for free in a small park in Iowa with some of our best friends and my brother was pretty awesome. Oh and then seeing the Cubs play at home while seeing the Pickles in Chicago was amazing. Then, seeing my cousin and her boys reunite with her husband in Mexico was heartbreaking but also incredible. And getting to be in Oregon 3 times in 1 year was awesome too. So.....I can't choose.

Moments: I think my favorite moments this year have involved my grandparents. They're just so darn cute. Seeing U2 live was great.New babies has been awesome! And Carl opening his studio with Aaron Snow has proved to be a great decision.

I hope you've had a great year! One of my goals is to be better at documenting the exciting things we've done this year. As for my 2010 resolutions, they involve getting healthy and losing weight (who's don't?!) And maybe to read more? I haven't really sat down long enough to commit to ideas on paper. Any of you?

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