Saturday, February 2, 2008

tv movies and cold medicine

Welcome to any day in the last 2 months where I haven't had to work. It usually involves TV movies (which I include movies on TBS etc.) laying on the couch(es) and staying on top of taking my medicine. Well...I think my body's rejecting all forms of medicine because it's not making me any better, just makes me a different kind of sick. Like around Thanksgiving, Carl was sick with a regular cold. I got it upon our return home. That proceeded to turn into a bronchial infection or something with lots of coughing. So, then I got over the coughing (or so I thought) and now I have some sort of sinus infection or something and I can't breathe consistently out of my nose and therefore my mouth/throat are dry. I've been sleeping mediocre. Today I've been pretty much just laying and sleeping and watching TV. This is getting really old.

In other news, that 17 year old that ran away is doing really well. We traveled to Tulsa twice this week to check out a facility and he was admitted yesterday. To his dismay, he's really enjoying it and thinks me may complete the treatment plan after all. Hooray and Hallelujah! We've had some pretty serious conversations on the 2 road trips this week. I'm pretty knowledgeable about drugs and "street lingo" if you have any questions.

Another thing. All these home buying, flipping, fixing up your home shows are making me angry at the Dave Ramsey Apartment and the fact that we weren't "blessed" with instant wealth. (Sarcasm people...please laugh) But seriously, this girl that I work with just bought a 2008 H3. They moved into their 2,000 sf "starter home" last month that they were able to build. She got an iphone the day they came out. and then broke it and got another one. She wears "designer jeans" (whatever that means) and carries designer bags (s/a Fendi and Gucci) She already had a 2004 Acura with GPS and leather. But she said it was "getting old." Oh...she makes me laugh so hard. Especially when I ask if she wants to ride in the 1990 Toyota with automatic seatbelts and she says "It's okay, I'll drive." Hahahaha....


thatsilverlining said...

holy buckets, sounds like your friend is living a pretty rough life!

Ben Rogers said...

Hello Cara, I love you.
You should sell your car and get one of those red scooter triangle things that you sit on and wiggle the handlebars back and forth to go forward like we had in pre-school. Then tether a skateboard to the back, and ask your friend if she wants a ride to Chili's or something.
That's how people get around here in Canada, I swear.

Mike said...

...But is she happy?

Amanda Fortney said...

i'm with you on the coughing thing. i don't remember the last time i wasn't coughing.

so sorry we couldn't make it today! we were really bummed we couldn't get there in time. our schedule just didn't work like it was supposed to! we'll have to try again soon.