Friday, May 21, 2010

nothing happenin'

I'm in a blog slump. Nothing's happenin'. Then when I do write something, I only get 1 comment. I think part of my slump is because I don't think anyone's reading so why put forth the effort. Then I realize how many blogs I read but don't comment on.....double standard.

I've been sick the last week and a half. Annoying sick. I already function in a state of fatigue and lack of energy due to my seizure medication so to be sick takes it to the next level. The next level involves the couch and having to lay down nearly all day. No offense, but I lived that life for an entire summer in 2008 and it gets old really fast. Plus, we own no movies and I never unpacked the DVD player so I'm left with what's on TV. This has led to lots of trashy tv watching. I discovered BBC today so I watched a lot of documentary shows which made me feel a little better. (At least I'll be learning things while I watch tv. Right?!) But then I watched a lot of Real Housewives of this and that.

I've spent some time reading today. I'm borrowing a book from a friend called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Before you ask, we're not trying to get pregnant! Due to some of my health issues, we've decided to go off of birth control to allow my body to get back to a "normal" state so that we can better figure out what is going on. This book is amazing. It should be required reading for every woman. I wish I'd known about it sooner. However, I think I would've received it's information a lot differently if I'd read it before taking this journey into natural wellness and alternative medicine. I've had lots of discussion with my friends recently about birth control. We have all kind of landed in the same place. It seems to do more harm than good. Sure, some people have no issues and think it's the greatest thing. I didn't have a bad experience with my birth control. I just started thinking about how I am doing all these things to get healthy and to get my body operating the best it possibly can naturally. However, birth control is not natural. It causes your body to have extra hormones and stop a natural process every month. I don't know, that's just where I'm at right now. What do you think?

I'm still on the gluten-free journey. Carl's mom brought me 2 gluten-free cookbooks on her visit last week. I'm just now getting a chance to go through them and start marking things I'd like to try. The thing with gluten-free is that you can't do anything fast. Everything takes time to make. I miss being able to just put something together really quick. Oh well, it's not like I'm working full-time!

I've started having some new issues with my right arm and hand. I'm going to an epilepsy specialist at OU next Friday. I'm really excited and hopeful that I will finally be teamed with a doctor who can help explain and figure all this out. In similar news, I hit the 2 year mark on Thursday! Two years ago I had a grand-mal seizure that set this crazy thing in motion. It's led to a lot of tests and doctors visits with very few answers. I think most of the answers I do have were ones I found from researching things on my own!

So, what's next? Well, for starters, Carl and I celebrate 3 years of marriage next Wednesday!


Graves said...

We are not friends, per-say however I have in recent months read your blogs! I find them interesting and I applaud you on your Gluten free journey! I did this last year before I became pregnant and it completely changed me in the GREAT way. Also, doing without birth control is brave, although I too believe it is not a natural way for your body to function with bc. Keep on keeping!

wrecklessgirl said...

i'm so going to look into getting that book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." i DO have issues (PCOS for one), so it's important .. and i'm so encouraged that you're looking into other aspects of your body to find out how you can help your body function at 100% ... everything is connected in there. proud that you are being so proactive!

Jen said...

I read your blog all the time!!! Don't get frustrated - I'm just bad at commenting. I applaud you on your natural commitment to life. I never had problems with BC, but if I had, I wouldn't hesitate to find alternatives.

Sarah Thompson said...

I read your blog Cara! We don't use birth control for several reasons my top being that it seems to cause more harm than good like you said...but beware...I have had 2 children in 2 years. Ha.

Mike said...

I read. But I can guarantee you my opinions on birth control and gluten free cooking are worth less than nothing! :-)

The Planet Pink said...

TCOYF is an excellent book and I agree - a must read for all women. I was on bc after first getting married, but once I went off to try to get pregnant for the first time, I never went back. Just feels unnatural to chemically alter the body like that, when there are other methods out there.

ashe said...

I love your blog but I'd much rather spend time with you in person. Did you know you have 81 subscribers? That's a lot more than most people's every day blogs. By the way did you ever look at my friend's website on living gluten free? I thought it was interesting. Hope you have a great weekend. Let's get together and talk about birth control and gluten :)

Michelle said...

Your blog is refreshing and honest. I hate birth control (personal opinion obviously) and agree that it does more harm than good. i was always an emotional wreck--i mean seriously weird. And I think it's amazing that you are trying to take such good care of yourself even though it takes a little longer. I admire that A LOT. And by the way, we just celebrated our 3 year in May too and it was amazing. How quickly life happened! I love you. Never stop blogging! Seriously, I do read it, and sadly, don't comment NEAR in hardly ever.

Team Honnoll said...

I still keep up with your blog, I'm just not good at commenting! I know what you mean though- I've thought about giving it up bc I'm not sure that anyone reads mine anymore, but Clint keeps me at it! Don't quit. I appreciate your updates! :)