Thursday, August 21, 2008

breakfast for dinner!

When I was growing up, sometimes my mom would make waffles for dinner....we never really had them for breakfast, just dinner. I LOVE whoever said "I want breakfast for dinner." (And it's a great excuse to eat more BACON.)

Our small group is getting together tonight guessed it, breakfast for dinner! We're having pancakes and bacon and all the fixin's...we're even having juice and milk to drink. How appropriate! I'm so pumped. I haven't had real breakfast, much less breakfast for dinner in ages.

So, cancel your dinner plans and make some breakfast. You won't be sorry.


Mike said...

I whole-heartedly agree! Breakfast for dinner is one of the more inspired ideas to come about, at least as far as food is concerned.

Another one of those ideas would probably be slicing bread...

Josh McCullock Photography said...

that (dinner) was everything I'd hoped it would be. I'm completely and utterly satisfied.

Mags said...

We did this last Sunday! It was great! Tho we went with sausage, eggs, and blueberry muffins with Orangina... certainly didn't want to go out to the grocery store.

Amanda Fortney said...
