Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Your generation..."

While I was enjoying my first flight in First Class, (I know!) the RUDE woman sitting next to me asked, "Do you have the time?" I picked up my iPhone and said "3:55. So 2:55 Eastern." She thanked me as she re-set her watch and then proceeded to lecture me on how she read an article the other day that talked about how "your generation" doesn't wear watches anymore and how it's really sad.

What am I supposed to do?! I don't feel like I have the permission to appologize on behalf of "my" generation....and over not wearing a watch, afterall. I don't even remember how I responded but I do remember immediately judging her based on how she was speaking to me. It's like she knew I'd never been in First Class and knew I wasn't worthy enough of the status required to sit in that seat.

Listen here lady. I earned that seat (thank you credit card miles) and the good news is, I can tell time. With or without a watch.


Mike said...

You should have sung, in the most sneering tone you could muster, "People try to put us down..." :-P

Jordan and Matt said...

I once heard someone say, "Your generation talks about our generation as if your generation had nothing to do with why ours is the way they are."

Jenn said...

that's so annoying! i am wearing a watch right now and i wear one every day. so there.

Michelle said...

I love Matt and Jordan's comment. hahaha. So true. I wear watches for practicality AND fashion, but who even cares? She must have really been having a bad day. Well, with that attitude, it's possible that she might have one every day?

kristen mcglynn said...

i'm sorry. i'm a number person. you lost me at...

"3:55. So 2:55 Eastern."

i'm assuming you meant the other way around. i guess i'll let it slide. haha.

Anonymous said...

Also, watches need to be reset. Most cell phones automatically update when you arrive in a new time zone. Sounds like MeeMa needs pop her brakes.

Anonymous said...

NW Mom NEVER wants to be reminded or bound by time - neither does the Creator . Does it get more REAL than that? Like Mother like son. :-) Keep enjoying life in it's fullest Carl!

Anonymous said...

NW Mom says - Enjoy Life CARA! I was thinking I was on Carl's website after reading things so quickly. Lol. You two obviously read each other thoughts... so alike in many ways. SO SWEET! Keep enjoying all the special moments without the watch baggage!! :-)