Monday, March 26, 2012

School is cool.

Remember when I was like, "I'm going to apply for grad school." Well, I did. And I got in. And I started about a month ago.

I know it's early. I know it's going to get hard and it's going to be a lot to juggle, and it's going to sort of rule my life til December 2013. But so far, it's not that bad, I'm juggling, and it's not ruling my life. And I'm really enjoying it.

NOW. Let's catch up on my new year intentions!

PEACE: this is more challenging than I anticipated. Yoga is definitely a stabilizing force for helping me practice peace.

QUIET: i'm really enjoying this one. Sometimes I work without music. I drive home without music. Sometimes I'll go sit out on my deck and just listen. Other times I'll lay in bed and just look at twitter and be quiet.

PLAY: this is harder now that school is in the picture. However, I try to carve out at least one night for time with friends and FUN. (It's been more like 2.5 nights)

FOLLOW THRU: so far, I'm doing fairly well with this. I've learned to think things all the way through and be realistic about what I can commit to. Now, I just need to work on being on time.

RISK: biggest risk to date has been starting grad school (potentially doubling my school debt.) :) I already feel confident it's a risk that will pay off.

CHALLENGE: I feel like I'm being challenged in lots of areas of my life. Yoga, school, work, counseling. friends, and church have all had challenges or been challenging. Learning to love it.

MOVE: I'm doing my best to keep moving forward. The biggest milestone is coming up on April 7th. Looking forward to leaving it in the dust.

RESPOND: 9 times out of 10, I'm breathing, waiting, and responding.

CONSISTENCY: I can do better here. I'm doing okay, but I know I can do better.

HONESTY: #realtalk. Grateful for friends I can be honest with, who are honest with me, and communities I'm a part of that accept me where I am.

INVEST: working on it! I need to prioritize my time and money better so I can invest those things better.

GIVE: this will always be a work in progress. Trying to be better at being generous with grace.

PRESENT: better than I have been. The iPhone needs more time-outs.

REMEMBER: trying to take pictures, remember, read, and write. (obviously school is keeping me from being able to blog!)

DANCE: duh. easiest intention ever.

PS: I also gave up soda on January 3rd. I committed to the whole year with Kristen. And we have some serious consequences in place for breaking the pact. Happy to report I haven't had a Dr. Pepper (or any of his friends) since!

That's all I have right now. It's time to read about 60 more pages before class tomorrow. Thank for supporting me on my journey back-to-school.

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